astral earth

My Free 60 Page Book, “My Astral Projection Truth”, What is Astral Projection and How to do it!

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My Astral Projection Truth: What is Astral Projection and How to do it!

I just finished editing version three of my free Book! It’s now ready for downloading!

I’ve also re-branded it in honor of Frank Kepple, who put in so much time and effort into teaching others to experience the larger reality. If it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t have progressed as much as I have.

It’s now “My Astral Projection Truth: What is Astral Projection and How to do it!

This Book represents everything I’ve learned over my life, but mostly the last 2 – 3 years of my practices in Projection and Phasing. It’s now a 60 page Book full of great information regarding how you can begin to explore the furthest reaches of reality on your own! All the information I provide in it was the same information that helped propel me towards the experiences I now enjoy.

Feel free to pass it around to where ever you wish, as long as the information remains intact and all credit is given where due.  I hope the information helps you as much as it has helped me.

Thanks for reading! Please leave me some feedback on how you like the Book, and if there was any parts of it that are unclear or confusing. I’m happy to re-write sections to make them easier to understand.

Astral Projection and Reality Realizations

On the Astral Pulse today, someone relayed an experience they had and then asked if it was an OBE or not.
This is my response…

There are some realizations that people need to make…

A lot of Projection-talk revolves around the term “Out of body”.
There is no such thing as “out of body”… there simply is no body. Ever. There is only consciousness.

While you identify right now as being physically awake and experiencing this physical reality, your consciousness is merely PROJECTING here.

You’re projecting right now. You just don’t recognize it as such because you’ve been taught that this physical reality and this physical body you “inhabit” are the only things that are *REAL*. This is a… I was going to say a lie, but it’s not a lie, because a lie is when you say something which you know to be false and nobody really realizes or understands this truth yet, so it’s not a lie. It’s just a confusing afterthought that nobody really considers.

You’re taught that all of this stuff you see and experience around you is real… you’re never taught to question any of it, but REAL is simply whatever you experience. Whether it’s in this reality or another reality, real is simply that which you experience.

You might be reading this and feel like you’re really confused about what I’m talking about here and you probably have no idea what I’m talking about at this point, but that’s okay, because if you keep at this long enough, you’ll experience this for yourself and you’ll eventually KNOW. You’re also probably very confused right now too, because you probably think I didn’t even remotely answer the question asked.

When in actuality, the answer is laid out all too clearly here.

Frank Kepple Practical Guide to Astral Projection

Bluremi, a member of the Astral Pulse, took the PDF I made of all of Frank Kepple’s posts and re-formatted it and organized it by category!

It’s an absolutely fantastic job! He posted it on Google Docs for everyone to read. My thanks go out to Bluremi for all the hard work he put into sorting these posts.

SLEEP PARALYSIS – the whats, why’s and wherefore’s – By Bedeekin

I wanted to share this really great write-up that Bedeekin (from the Astral Pulse) wrote regarding Sleep Paralysis.

SLEEP PARALYSIS – the whats, why’s and wherefore’s

In this article I will replace every term associated with ‘Astral’ with ‘nonphysical Reality, abbreviated to NPR or NP.

A little Introduction

First off I will tackle Sleep Paralysis (SP) also known as Recurrent Isolated Sleep Paralysis (RISP) from its physical reality side rather than its NPR side. Both are intertwined at equal degree, but the sensations encountered are primarily physical in nature being interpreted by your NPR sensibilities. Put another way; it is a dual-consciousness state. The sensations felt and in turn manifested through NP interpretation can be very overwhelming. The function of this little article is to help you link those sensations to normal functions of the body and hopefully dissipate the fear commonly encountered. I have written about SP several times and therefore researched it for many years and will pull form those writings in order to construct this treatise with objective reasoning and available scientific information. I have also experienced it for a lot longer so can also assess the phenomena subjectively due to many years of experimentation.

The cultural history of SP

SP comes under several names in modern western culture such as; Second State, Phase State and Vibrational or Vibratory state to name but a few. However our modern terms have nothing on the abundance of descriptions given to it by other cultures throughout history. The term ‘nightmare’ for instance, now used to describe a bad dream or unpleasant situation stems from an old English term of Germanic origin ‘maere’ meaning ‘Goblin’ or ‘Incubus’. It wasn’t until the 1300s that it appeared as ‘nigt-mare’, as a roughly shortened version of the descriptive ‘the mare who comes in the night’. Old English folk-law also used the term ‘The Old Hag” and the process of this as being ‘Hag Ridden’. It is thought that the Salem witch trials of 1692 that resulted in 19 executions and 150 accusations may have been fueled by locals reporting SP.

The perceived presence that often accompanies SP has been given many names and is often associated with the beliefs of the culture. In Turkey SP is called Karabasan, which means “dark presser or assailant” and the presence referred to as a Djinn, a nighttime demon of Islamic faith that can be banished by reciting certain lines of the Qur’an. Pakistan culture calls it Bakhtak or the IfritIn and is associated with black magic performed by enemies or jealous people. In Thai folk-law it is the Phi Am. The people of New Guinea refer to it a Suk Ninmyo, believed to originate from sacred trees that requires human essence to sustain its life yet is not thought of as evil in nature. In Hungarian folk culture SP is called Lidércnyomás and the presence is attributed to several entities such as faeries, Wraiths and witches. One is called Ördögszeretö, which means ‘Demon Lover’.

Other cultures describe the crushing or pressing down sensation. In Japan SP is called Kanishibari, which literally means ‘Bound or fastened in metal’. In Mongolian culture it is referred to by the verb-phrase Khar Derakh, meaning, “to be pressed by the Black” or “when the Dark presses”. In Vietnam it is called ma dè meaning ‘held down by a Ghost” or bóng dè meaning “held down by a shadow”. In Bangladeshi it is referred to as boba meaning “Speechless”. In Arabic culture SP is called Kaboos, which means “pressers”, or Ja-thoom, meaning “what sits heavily on someone”. These examples are a relatively small selection of many more cross cultural references. There are probably names for SP and their associated sensations for every culture throughout human history that have been lost.

So what is Sleep Paralysis?

Many people associate SP with being a necessity for experiencing NPMR. This is a fallacy. True, it is a direct route into the altered state of consciousness that IS ‘nonphysical’, but far too often it is lingered and pondered upon much to the distraction of the uninitiated. It can actually be said that SP is not meant to be experienced. If it were, there wouldn’t be a plethora of anesthetic mechanisms naturally put in place that cause us not to experience it. Usually SP is an unconscious process that happens when we enter REM sleep that inhibits us from acting out our non-physical incursions. It is a natural physical anesthetic. The medical term for this process is REM atonia (atonia meaning a lack of muscular tension). Being aware of this state that the body has put so much effort into concealing is what we experience as Sleep Paralysis. I will add here that sleepwalking isn’t an REM state phenomenon but rather takes place during Slow Wave Sleep State.

Why do I get Sleep Paralysis?

To understand why a little better we need to briefly discuss the sleep stages. When we go to sleep we enter 4 stages of slow wave or Non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep. Stage1, also called transitional sleep lasts only a few minutes until it evolves into our “baseline” stage 2 sleep. It is from this stage that next 3 stages develop. Stage 2 takes up approximately 50 – 65% of our sleep time. Within 15 to 20 minutes we have slowly evolved into stage 3 then stage 4, which is marked by Delta Sleep that has the same brain wave pattern as a coma. After these stages that last approximately 20 – 30 minutes We suddenly slip back into a very brief stage 2 (which is often marked by what can be called a micro-wake) and almost immediately change gears into a the very active brain wave pattern known as Paradoxical or REM sleep. Our heart rate and respiration increases substantially and we lose our ability to use our skeletal muscles known as striated muscles.

Sleep Paralysis occurs when we have previously slept through our slow wave sleep stages and wake for a period before attempting sleep or during REM sleep without breaking brainwave pattern. This is not always the case and it takes the right amount of slow wave sleep and conditions for SP to manifest. SP usually follows after a period of wakefulness from slow wave sleep that is marked by Sleep Inertia. Put another way, one will most likely experience SP after waking up from a dreamless nap that leaves one groggy, itchy eyed, likely to want to return to sleep and shivery; this is due to the drop in body temperature during the end of stage 4 sleep. Attempting to go to sleep forces one to instantly enter REM while still relatively conscious.

If SP is entered involuntarily it has usually gathered enough hypnogogic (subconscious) thought to contain more hallucinatory qualities. If SP is induced by using a short focused meditation the hallucinatory qualities will be less evident and the sensations can be viewed (or ignored) objectively.

So what are all these sensations about?

As we discussed above there are many sensations that bring about the cultural names attributed to SP and those described in the posts on this forum. These can be broken down into four main types.

• Tactile sensations
• Auditory sensations
• Visual hallucinations
• Perceived presence

Tactile sensations.

The main sensations felt during SP are commonly a buzzing or vibrational feelings in parts or throughout the body, the uncomfortable feelings of being pushed down or having a ‘lead blanket’ (asphyxiation) over ones body and the inability to move (paralysis). However it isn’t true paralysis. Paralysis is the total blockage of nerve messages sent to and from the brain. The partial paralysis during SP (REM atonia) is a one-way blockage (called neuron depolarization) of receptors turned off going to the muscle; and only striated (bone connected) muscles. This is REM atonia. As mentioned before, This ensures that we don’t act out our NPR activities yet retains the ability to still receive feedback to the brain in case we are in trouble physically; like someone entering the room or a predator attacking us. During SP we are aware of this normally unconscious feedback from our muscles. When in REM atonia the one way signal is extremely low and rather than being a flowing sensation (one that we don’t notice in waking life) it is staccato or strobe-like in nature and feels like an electric impulse. In fact, that is exactly what it is; low frequency electric impulses. This gives us the vibrational sensation. When we are calm and focused these vibrations are very subtle and can feel very gentle – very much like Nitrous Oxide intoxication. If we are fearful of the experience or panic our body releases adrenaline which stimulates the heart, pumping blood around the body causing violent and overwhelming vibrational buzzing.

The lead blanket or pressing is also caused by the REM atonia. As we mentioned it’s only striated muscle neurons that become depolarized leaving them unable to be controlled voluntarily. These include the intercostal muscles between your ribs. Involuntary breathing is autonomous during REM and is controlled entirely unconsciously by the hypothalamus in the brain and is carried out by the diaphragm muscles that aren’t bone connected. When you panic or try to breath voluntarily during SP you are in effect fighting your brains automatic breathing system using paralyzed muscles; leading to the sensation of being sat upon or pressed down.

Auditory sensations.

There are a plethora of sounds heard during SP such as Rumbling, buzzing, screaming, whistling, banging, electronic pulsing, footsteps, babbling, crying, laughing, white noise, ringing, a boing 747, wailing, whispering, words, sentences, marching, breathing, heart beat…. I could go on. While most of them are subjective and may be NPR in nature there are specific physical phenomena that occurs in the middle ear during REM that causes most of the vibratory, rumbling and buzzing noises.

Your middle ear consists of three little bones (the smallest bones in the body) that are hinged to allow for the passage of vibrations into your inner ear or cochlea. These bones have a really clever dampening mechanism that kicks in whenever a loud sound like a clap or bang is heard.

Go into a quiet room, clap your hands and you should hear a slight rumble in your ear during and after.

This is performed by your bodies smallest bone connected muscle (can you see where I’m going here?) called the Timpani Tensor muscle. Some people can voluntarily tense this muscle causing the rumbling heard when you clapped.

During REM atonia these muscles naturally vibrate due to the depolarization and because they are part of your auditory system can be actually heard. The onset of SP is usually marked by little spasms of these muscles creating intermittent bursts of tickly rumbling. It can be quite pleasant.

Visual Hallucinations.

Our eyes and eyelids aren’t controlled by bone connected muscles. This is why it’s called REM – rapid eye movement. But although they aren’t paralyzed they cant be moved very efficiently. This is why when one tries to open the eyes it is difficult to focus and indeed keep them binocular. What happens is akin to a ‘magic eye’ picture or any 3D effect. Your eyes naturally grab shadows and patterns that cause your eyes to bring two separate spots of darkness together – like a dark corner in your bedroom and a shadow caused by a cabinet or other object in the room next to it – causing a 3D effect. The shadow literally jumps out, proud of the surroundings. Now, couple this with the fact that you are also being fueled by fear and creating forms non-physically and you have yourself a perceived shadow creature.

Perceived presence or ‘the intruder’

This is the most commonly reported aspect of SP yet is also the least specific and perhaps the most fundamental. The terror that accompanies it is extremely common. It is difficult to assess whether the sense of presence brings on the fear or whether the fear generates the sense of presence.

There are many variations of the presence… sometimes it is out of sight, just around the corner and sometimes fully realized in glorious HD. It is fair to assume that the latter is a nonphysical manifestation brought on by fear of the unknown.

To describe the process neurologically would require a bit of knowledge in neuroscience. I’ll try to explain without getting too technical.

Studies show that when a person is experiencing SP the cortical center lights up like a pinball machine. The function of the cortical center is the synthesis and making sense of available stimuli. This part of the brain is normally on full power during waking life, but when in SP the information received is purely internal and filtered through the Amygdala, which is the raw emotional centre of the brain. The sense of presence is believed to be formed by this stimulation of the Amygdala by bursts originating in the Pontine Reticula formation (responsible for sleep-awake cycle). In normal ‘emergencies fear reactions’ the immediate sense of danger is quickly confirmed or disconfirmed. In the absence of outside stimuli, attempts to analyze the source of the fear will inevitably fail to produce corroboration. But the fear is originating from within so what would normally last a second or two continues throughout the SP episode as a prolonged and rising sense of fear of your fear.

To put it very basically if you glazed over , you are sensing your fear sensing you sensing your fear sensing you sensing your fear and so on and so forth… a type of biometric feedback.

How can I stop the fear?

The way to fully put an end to the fear is to stop the SP process entirely. To play the ‘get out of jail free’ card either wiggle your toes, fingers or simply jerk your whole body physically. It takes a bit of willpower but is highly effective.

If you wish to carry on using SP as your springboard to NPR, You can meditate and focus yourself not to enter SP while you are thinking subconscious or hypnogogic thoughts. Maintain concentration.

Another way to overcome SP is by practice and repeated exposure to it.

There are many members here who can guide you to defeat the fear, whether through your belief or by pragmatic explanation.


SP is not a prerequisite for experiencing the NPR and can be avoided by not trying to phase or practice after a short nap. Although it is a direct root it can be a massive distraction and as I have explained most of the sensations are physical in nature. Your task is to direct your focus away form your physical, almost by performing a mock slow wave sleep (meditation/phasing) exercise.

Please be aware that this article is purely based on the physical phenomenology present during SP and in no way attempts to explain the more sublte non-physical interactions that may take place.

Please feel free to ask more questions as I have only explained the basics.

I will periodically update this post.


Ohayon,M.M.,Zulley,Guilleminault,C.andSmirne,S. – Prevalence and pathological associations of sleepparalysis in the general population.Neurol.,1999,52:1194–1200.

Jean-Christophe Terrillion – Does Recurrent Isolated Sleep Paralysis Involve More Than Cognitive Neurosciences? Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 15, No. 1, p. 97–123, 2001

Anna Pissiota – Fear, Startle, and Fear-Potentiated Startle, Probing Emotion in the Human Brain. Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of SocialSciences 127

William H. Cooke – Justice at Salem, Reexamining the Witch Trials.

Cheyne, J.; Rueffer, S.; Newby-Clark, I. (1999). “Hypnagogic and Hypnopompic Hallucinations during Sleep Paralysis: Neurological and Cultural Construction of the Night-Mare”. Consciousness and Cognition 8: 319–337.

Astral Projection – The HOW and WHY a Technique or Method Works

Techniques and methods for astral projection, by themselves don’t actually do anything without you placing the proper Intent and having the Belief behind them. We witness this on an almost daily basis on the Astral Pulse when people say they do a technique and get no results… usually because they’re not putting the proper Intent behind the technique. Some techniques are blatantly obvious what Intent/Expectation is created. Roll out technique, for example, it sets you up completely for a “see your body lying in bed” OBE.

It’s about understanding the “how” and “why” certain techniques supposedly do certain things for a person… and it all boils down to three things: Intent, Belief and Expectation… or a varied mix of all three. That is what ends up being the deciding factor in just about anything you do in regards to metaphysical exercises.

This is also why no single technique will work for everyone, because we have such wide ranging Intents, Beliefs (especially this one), and Expectations (explained below).

If you read something that tells you that doing so-and-so technique is going to end up with so-and-so result… then chances are pretty good (not always though!) that you’re going to end up experiencing something, if not precisely what you read about.

Using this knowledge, you can shape and craft your own techniques and methods to best suit yourself. Give it a shot!

Do You Get Frustrated Learning to do Astral Projection?

The frustration that people experience while learning to project is entirely due to attempting to build your house before building a solid foundation first.
Just as one can’t immediately play Beethoven or Bach without LOTS of practice first… you also can’t just do a conscious exit projection without first mastering your mind. Yes, I said “mastering” your mind. This means that one must spend a long time (time may vary) with their own consciousness via meditation before you’ll have any success real success.

This is the source of the frustration of just about every single person who has ever tried to do this and failed. Of this I can 100% guarantee.

Everyone wants to do astral projection with as little work as possible to get the fastest results possible. <– That's a model for FAILURE
Especially if they prescribe to the idea that that's the ONLY way to project. There are a myriad of ways to project, the HARDEST being the conscious exit projection. I guess I should explain quickly what that is. A Conscious Exit projection is one where you sit/lie down with the express intent to project.

So now, if you've read Michael Radugas OBE4U eBook, he has what he calls "indirect" methods for projection. To cut a long story short, all those acrynoms which rhyme with WILD are those. I honestly forget all the acrynoms people use for these. WBTB? MILD? DEILD? These are all "indirect" methods for projecting… and they're every bit as valid as a conscious exit for projecting. They'll take you to the same place, and allow you to do the same things as any conscious exit projection.

Techniques for this kind of stuff are everywhere. The problem is that I think it's rare for people to acknowledge the validity of such a projection right upon first learning this stuff. Why? Because people get indoctrinated into the "it's *only* a lucid dream, it's not a REAL astral projection" mindset, then they read about conscious exits and believe those to be REAL astral projections. So they ignore everything else. Then when they finally fail and become frustrated that they can't do it… they quit altogether saying it doesn't exist.

And I should say now that I *LOVE* indirect methods. They account for perhaps 80 – 90% of my projections. A member on the Astral Pulse, cosmic, shared a great method: Projection Method. It’s simply noticing with falling asleep. It doesn’t get much easier than that. I have, on many occasions said to try stuff like this.

Personally, I’d like to see people eventually take the proper time to learn to master their mind… learn to meditate… learn to focus their minds, then learn to hold that focus for extended periods of time. The only reason people fail is because they’re impatient.

I like Tom Campbell’s opinion here: Take the long view, in 15 – 20 years, you’ll be really good at it.

Let’s make it a point to tell people, “If you want to project with minimal effort, give these techniques a try”… but also to point out that if you want to make this a part of your “life”, not just a fad, then you’re going to have to take the long view, as Tom suggests. Otherwise you won’t get much out of this.

The Key to Most Astral Projection Techniques/Methods

Someone posted a PDF on the Astral Pulse tonight showing 66 different Astral Projection techniques.

The thing is that they’re not 66 different techniques. They’re the same technique with 66 slight variations. Well, that is, the ones that you do while consciously awake. There are ones listed where you initiate them from a lucid awareness experience in the non-physical.

It’s a great write-up and all, but I think it’s more important for people to understand *WHY* each of those techniques work.

I’d encourage people to take a bunch of techniques they read about (here or wherever) and try to break them down into their base parts. Try to figure out makes the technique tick. Here’s a hint… they’re all asking you to do the *EXACT SAME THING* just in slightly different ways.

Ok that wasn’t so much of a hint as telling you. LoL

Just about every technique incorporates Visualization or Mental Concentration/Focus in some way as a method of fixating your awareness away from the Physical. That’s it… that’s the entire secret. That’s what took me over 10 years to figure. I use this concept to create my own visualizations and you can use this knowledge to further help yourself to project.

There’s nothing mystical or magical about any of this and most importantly: ANYONE CAN DO IT.

How You Remember Your Astral Projection Adventures

I like to look at how things we do while physical compares to how we do them non-physical.

I was just reading a post by David Warner (of the Astral Pulse) where he said this:

Most of it is the level of consciousness that you and the other party you connect with can bring back that information correctly.

It got me thinking about how I “bring back” the information. The more I think about it, how I “remember” my non-physical experiences works in exactly the same way that I remember things while physical. I have a pretty bad memory while awake… LoL In order to REALLY remember something, I usually say it outloud, at which point it’s ingrained in my noggin pretty good. I’ve done this same thing upon waking in order to long term remember my non-physical experiences.

To me, remembering works pretty much the same way when comparing physical to non-physical. Recall is even the same. I recall a non-physical experience in the same way I do a regular physical experience.

So, give it some thought if you haven’t already and tell us “how do you remember?” 🙂

Great Post on the Astral Pulse

MDM (Jurgen Ziewe) started a post on the Astral Pulse that I feel has taken off wonderfully, and I wish to share it with everyone.


Also, if you do feel like joining in please do create an account on the Astral Pulse and post away! The more perspectives, the more “complete” the picture. 🙂

Post Focus! Contenteo Part 2!

I had made a post last year adding some content from a member of the Astral Pulse, Contenteo. He recently allowed me to post his Model of Consciousness which is a few posts below this one if you want to see it as it’s REALLY good. I wanted to do a Post Focus on an addition he made to another post he made a while ago. The original post can be found here:

His new post goes into more detail about how he views the other (Monroe) Focus Levels that he didn’t cover in his initial post:

This guide was meant to cover the early stages, but I guess going over the next couple couldn’t hurt. F3/F10/F12/F15/F21, etc. are non consecutive placeholders to understand repeatable mental states as you disconnect yourself from the physical. All language has context and all context has bias, so to reduce bias, this non-descriptive placeholder system works best. These were proposed by the pioneer in the field, Robert Monroe. To respect the bold adventurer and his hard work, I use his system of describing a phase. For the earlier stages of the astral, this sequence works rather brilliantly.

Once you get to F12(understanding these stages well is a must, so go do it now if you haven’t already), you should have a nice Novocaine state going, your body should be distant, and you should be experiencing what I can only describe as black “Vastness.” A very mature F12 state will have you past the breathing problems(the worst of it undecided, it even plagues me now, so don’t expect it to magically go away when you get better, you getting better makes it easier to cope with) and if you did repeated visualizations correctly you will have progressed into F15 without even being aware you did so. This is because I found F15 sets in when you are really engrossed in a metaphysical visualization.

Known as the “No Time Zone”, F15 was the most elusive for me to understand as a young projector. You know you hit the early stages of F15 when you start getting those sinking into the bed feelings. These are the exact same feelings you get when coming out of a falling dream. If you ever stop to analyze an F15 feeling from the inside, you will realize you have no idea what time it is, nor how long you have been attempting visualization. In the moment, this falling/sinking/melting can seem to go on forever, but on waking, you will find very little time has passed, nor sure how long you were exactly in that falling state for. Hence the name.

At this point, it is weird in a way, because you know where you are, you are falling into your consciousness in your bed/couch/wherever. You can talk to yourself while in there kind of focus on other things(although not recommended for achieving a phase, understanding this stage is more important than you might think). If you start thinking of breathing again you may realign yourself with the physical by accident in this phase. You WILL realize you are not breathing and for the first time (Congrats!) in a state which your body also seems cool with the notion. So rather, if you recognize this stage, do what hypnotist’s do, keep saying, “Deeper, and deeper, and deeper…” over and over again in your head and focus on the falling.

Now, a state having such attributes, as you would expect, feels like a transition stage. In many ways it is. The next Focus of mind is much more stable.

AKA 3-D blackness (which is confusing because people confuse it with the vastness in F12, I did when I started), AKA The White Room/Light (which is confusing because it is both black and white, I would say more white wink) is the last limbo state we can define concisely before you project. There is no next verifiable step except projection. So congratulations when you first get here grin. I have a gut feeling this is the stage people are talking about when they have a near death experience and they are saying “Walk towards the light,” etc.

You will know when you get here, because it feels great. It feels like there is a gentle breeze all around you. I like to say you are at PUL(Pure Unconditional Love)’s Doorstep. It is bathing you in vibrations and feelings of ecstasy. No wonder Monks train to come and hang out in this state, because given you can get back there on a regular basis, it could very well become addictive. From this state, you then focus on your “Crown Chakra” to project. I think this is what people are talking about when the say they are getting pulled upwards. Its not gravity’s up, it’s the top of your head’s UP.
It is my opinion that many people try to pull the trigger prematurely in the early F12 stages. It’s like the gun’s chamber still has gas in it, or not enough gunpowder and the whole mechanism gets jammed and stalls. So this is where you are going to want to get before you start doing all that energy focusing stuff so many “pros” talk about. Don’t worry, it will be like you are sitting in this room, and you can feel how “energy” works much better. Given you can weather the intense sensations that happen during the actual “phase,” and I have to reiterate, they are damn intense, you have made it. Home Run. So when the phase occurs, the breeze will become more violent, you will start to hear a loud buzz, and you will feel like you are getting pulled out the top of your head. Frank called this the “cannonball” exit. Quite appropriate. You are the one focusing all your energy there and making it happen so simply hang on to this self created force, and try not to analyze it too much. Just let it happen.

From here, the F12,F15,F21 sequential path changes in a way, because there is a lot of places you can end up depending on how you exactly exited F21, But these are all conversations for another day.

A Final Metaphor

Think of entire Phase like attempting to pop a balloon by pushing down on it against the floor. If you deviate and attempt to control the push, it wobbles all over. You have to keep starting over. However, if you attempt this with a sharp intent and directed energy and simply gain well placed momentum from a well placed understanding of the dynamics of this particular balloon, your task will feel like a cinch. When you phase for the first time, it will be like this. You will be confused why you thought it was ever so hard to begin with. A good understanding of what is going on, gained through practice with true intents, with good timing for your initial projections and, yes, a little luck, will give you everything you need to achieve your goal.

I wish you the best on your travels, as one day you will realize it is the traveling, not the destination, that matters most in adding projection to your lifestyle.


This post can be found here: Astral Pulse

Post Focus! Contenteo!

I read a wonderful post today made by a new member of the Astral Pulse named Contenteo who had some big realizations after having their first Astral Projection! I thought it would be beneficial to post them here so that others off the Pulse can enjoy it too! So with his permission, here is it:

“I am proud to announce that this morning I had my first conscious exit astral projections(I had three). I foremost want to thank the community for being there and lending advice to help me achieve this. I appreciate all who helped me the last few weeks.

I don’t need the typical congratulatory posts, or feel the need to explain my experience(super long story posts are annoying to me) for self satisfaction.

What I do want to discuss is the vast difference between what I thought I was doing right, and what actually were factors in my success in projection. I started my journey about a month ago and did a tremendous amount of research, so I feel I am a good newcomer-to-success story and have a couple of major insights to lend to the community. What worries me most is although the information I got was accurate; there is a way to go about interpreting this information that can lead you down a near dead end path in your projection attempts. I can’t tell you how many posts I scanned through that contained people experiencing the same frustrations I was, and in retrospect, it was because we were all misinterpreting the fundamentals.

1. State of mind is very important to a first projections

When I started, I was attempting to go about projection before I went to sleep, in the evening or in the late night. Unknowingly, this was my first critical mistake. I read that night attempts were more difficult, however, I thought I could manage harder training. Who wants to get up in the morning to project, that sounds like major suckage. I was wrong. I got extremely proficient at entering a strong F12, to the point where I could force immense vibrations. But it was always the same things that got in my way. My breathing. A really annoying itch. Thinking I heard something. In essence, BEING AWARE. I was shooting myself in the foot.

When you go about phasing its not that you are shutting off your psychical awareness, but rather completely diverting your focus; on visualization, or being really good at a mantra. This is extremely difficult. I will repeat that, this is extremely difficult. In the old world, people would train a lifetime to master this. And you want to pump this thing out?

You need help if you want to do this quickly. The helping crutch is choosing the right frame-of-mind. You will use this to get through the exit the first time. Once you know that feeling, I can assure you will understand the basic way to get there. So what is this crutch of a state? We have all had it. It is the “screw it, I am going back to bed to catch another hour of sleep” feeling. It is that quintessential, identifiable drowsiness that is actually rather rewarding and pleasant. So I highly recommend, not attempting to project at night, but instead sleeping for like 4 hours, waking up and forcing yourself out of bed. Take a shower, eat breakfast, and start you day, really do whatever you want, until that, screw-it-I-am-going-back-to-bed-for-another-hour feeling creeps up. That’s when you lay down on your non-usual sleeping comfy place and attempt your projection. Again, this is to learn the way to get there. Then you can really start your training once you know the initial path.

2. Practice meditation

There is not an agreed upon nomenclature in this field, so for this purpose, I will refer to meditation as a deliberate mental expedition to find the “exit” into the astral. I was meditating, when I thought I was on the path to phasing. This was my second critical mistake. When meditating, you can get very deep into your consciousness(a deep F12), you can even stand at the foot of the “exit”, but you will not know HOW to use the exit unless you have experienced it once before. When I started I was so full of vigor to find it enter it, and failed repeatedly. I can’t tell you how frustrating this is; you will time and time again wake up sweating, trying to analyze what you did wrong. I am sure most newcomers will experience exactly what I am talking about. So, when beginning, you are in a conundrum of sorts, you need to get somewhere you don’t know how to get to, and all you have is a myriad of mixed approaches people have suggested to explore your surrounding when you close your eyes in a relaxed state.

Now although these repeated attempts at meditation are frustrating, especially when they appear fruitless, please do not discount them. They will teach you how to get to the exit, even if you can’t go through it. So when you finally give the morning technique a shot, you will identify and understand all the basic feelings you encounter. You need to understand and be comfortable with all these feelings and learn what the milestones are so they don’t freak you out, when you experience them and can discount them without a worry.

So contrary to what I said in 1, practice before bed. Do it and do it often, but understand that a deep F12 state is your goal. This I did right. Hell, try to find the exit, but please don’t get frustrated if you can’t, just simply understand you are going to need that state of mind tip in 1 to understand the way. Then when you understand how to apply the way to find that exit in a deep F12. Practice, Practice, Practice.

Intermission – I so wish I had these tips when I started.

3. Don’t search for the milestones

Vibrations. Random Noises. Mind Awake Body Asleep. A feeling of being pulled upward. I know all these sensations very well after all my practice, but when you are actually phasing, experiencing any of them doesn’t matter, ignoring them is what matters. That is so vital. I would stay up night searching for the path, exploring colors, reaching chest pounding and hyperventilation dead ends, thinking I just need to get past those points. Thinking that finding the vibrations is the secret to astral projection and I am just failing at finding them. This is NOT the case. Phasing is natural, there is no searching for milestones. There is no getting past anything. I could never believe that it just happens so easily, but it does. I feel so foolish after all my attempts, but am grateful I understand how to reach different levels of consciousness so quickly now. So how do you get there if milestones aren’t the solution?

4. Visualization

Visualization is the key. Honestly a mantra does not work for me because I get to bored with it after a while, and start thinking about other things. I think very few of us are that mastered at focus. Again, that’s a lifetime of training. So what exactly is visualization?

The best example is daydreaming. You know when you are daydreaming, and you snap back into reality. That action, that disconnectedness, is exactly what we are trying to achieve. That is what we want to attempt to recreate. Lay there in a relaxed state taking deep breaths and state thinking out stories. Really anything you could daydream about. Ironically, this is how I get to sleep at night. The differences, is that because you have been practicing, you know all the cues of falling asleep. You will visualize a story, and then snap back to thinking that you lost focus of your story. But that is natural and OK. Actually what you just did was perfect. You are more disconnected and still aware. Then visualize another story, try to bring it as far as you can. And again you will lose focus and snap back. Be persistent and stay focused on you stories. Really they can be any physical manifestation daydream, just keep ’em coming. Eventually, the milestones will start to kick in. For instance a noise in one of your visualizations will actually happen, but because you have been practicing you will not be startled. Just think, “good” and enjoy the added effects to you thoughts. Keep up your visualization attempts and deeper, passing the vibration milestones, far past where you realized you are actually laying there. It will just happen, because you will be so engrossed in your visualization. You will feel vibrations and a rush/whoosh. From this point, you have entered the natural process. It will feel natural, just maintain composure and keep focus on you visualizations. From this launching pad, you can go all sorts of places depending on your proficiency.

5. Remember your training

Because you have been practicing and reading so much about the astral, remember the tenets will be easy when you get to the training ground or wherever you launch takes you. Thought = Action, Emotions will Manifest. Intent is King.

You will feel light and soft and everything will be beautiful. The astral is absolutely gorgeous. It is more astounding and comforting then anything I could have ever imagined it to be.

To recap. Don’t force yourself into a state. You have to know the path. Stay up late, wake up a couple hours early, but use those hours to go back to rest/attempt when your body tells you too. Practice before going to bed on normal nights. Understand the milestones, but don’t search for them, the process is natural. Searching will interfere with the steadfast visualization that is truly required to achieve success.

I wish you all the best in your journeys and would like to thank everyone here at the board again for helping me out so much. I sincerely hope this helps newcomers. It is exactly the information I needed when I started.



Good job Contenteo! 🙂

Being lead to where I need to be…

I was just thinking about everything that’s been happening to me as of the last couple years… and thinking about what I’ve been experiencing and how I came about the realization to have those experiences, and I feel like MBT is the culmination of this “being lead around”.

It’s not a culmination as in “I’m now at the top of the mountain”, because that would be silly … that would be assuming that there’s no more to climb after this. It’s more like being at the top of the mountain, and then realizing that you have to climb back down so that you can climb another mountain again… an endless number of mountains.

I started off my journey on a forum called SpiritOnline, then it went down… and I found myself over on another forum called the Astral Society… then that went down… after which I found myself over on the Astral Pulse. Throughout all this I struggled over 10+ years to learn how to do Astral Projection, to experience the non-physical for myself. Not knowing that over the course of all that, I was slowly setting up my foundation through learning to meditate. Well, when I stumbled upon the Astral Pulse I found a dude there named Frank Kepple… I read and followed him in his experiments with trying to follow in the foot steps of Robert Monroe and he felt he was rather successful in doing so. His data was really my launchpad for my current situation of exploring the non-physical, so for that I’m grateful.

I still post there, and am a moderator there actually. Through posting there, I’ve now stumbled across my next challenge, the next mountain for me to climb… “My Big TOE” (MBT), by Thomas Campbell. As I’m reading MBT, I’m realizing just how much my own experiences relate to the larger reality that’s out there, and the reality that I find myself currently in, and I feel like I’m able to partake in it more. I’m learning more about myself, I’m learning how to control my emotions and my thoughts… making myself a better person, which is then reflected in the world around me. I’m able to see the GOOD in the world now, where before it was only “wow wtf is wrong with you!” kind of thing… just seeing the bad. I’ve made choices lately that have me reacting to situations in a more positive manner… although I’m still learning and still have a long way to go, as I’ve been prone to anger and being upset as well lately too.

But throughout this journey that I unknowingly set myself on the last couple years… as I reflect back on it, I see the trail of bread crumbs that, as Tom might put it, the system has left for me to grab in an effort to lower my entropy and bring myself into a greater state of consciousness. A more serene place… and I now starting to appreciate that, really, more than words could convey. 🙂

I guess I don’t really have a point in posting this… except to just get that out there. )

Astral Pulse Island

I wanted to bring back to light a project we had going on over at the Astral Pulse called “Astral Pulse Island“. It was initiated, I believe, by the site owner along with the help of the other moderators at the time (5 – 8 years ago).

Basically, the goal was to create a stable “place” in the Astral (my guess is it would be in Focus 27, if you’re a Monroe model fan) that people could use as a meeting place. The island, with it’s golden sand and giant pyramid in the middle is a very easy place to recognize should you manage to make it there.

I use the image on the linked page as my background for my computer so I’m always staring at it and visualizing it. The more people who do this, the more stable the area will be. I believe it’s already a permanent fixture at this point though, unless it’s been “uncreated” on purpose.

Anyway, give the link a click and read up. It’s a great project. We have a forum section devoted just to it, and I’d like to bring this project back to life!

Post Focus! January 4th, 2011!

My first post of the new year!  It’s hard to believe that it’s already been four months… and what’s harder to believe is that I’m still able to make fresh and new posts!  I’ve got over 70 now!  Anyway, I digress!

It’s time for another Post Focus!

I found this amazing post on the Astral Pulse written by a fellow who doesn’t come by anymore, he was once a moderator as well at one point.  His nick on the forums was Jeff_Mash.  A really great guy from what I’ve read.  Anyway, I stumbled upon this post by him and I wish to share it and my thoughts on it.

The original post can be found here:  Jeff’s OBE Tips

Because of a forum conversion some time ago, some of the first posts got pushed to the back end of the threads… so that’s the final post in that thread, the following link is the start of the thread if any one wishes to read all 5 pages (and I do highly encourage that).
Jeff’s OBE Tips, first post

I’ll start this off with the post that I wish to share:

First off, let me explain some things I can and can’t do.I am no expert on OBE’s. I cannot do these at will (yet). I don’t have all the answers, nor am I above learning from even the most inexperienced projector out there.

With that said, I have been having spontaneous and planned OBE’s for the last 5+ years. I do have at least one every week (sometimes more, sometimes less). And…..I have seen some characteristics that are COMMON to most of my OBE’s.

I would like to share some of those with you now, to help you come to learn what I have learned and HELP you in your attemps.


What do I mean? In a nutshell, your eyes play a BIG role in the ability to consciously have an OBE. They themselves must be asleep. Here is what I mean by that.

Close your eyes right now and leave them closed for about 10 seconds. Just focus on them behind your closed eyelids and observe their activity.

What you will find a number of things happening. You will see that they pulsate a little. Your eyelids twitch. You will also find that the eyeballs themselves move. So when you’re looking at the blackness behind your eyelids, your PHYSICAL eyes are the ones that are trying to do the looking. THIS IS NOT WHAT WE WANT.

When I am about to project, one thing I notice is that my PHYSICAL eyes are NOT doing the looking. I sense the blackness and I “see” things, but my physical eyes are completely asleep. No pulsating, no movement, nothing.

To really experience this, you will have to remember this post when you wake up in the middle of the night. The next time you have to get up to go pee or something, when you lay back down, just close your eyes and you will see what I mean. The physical eyes just sit there behind your eyelids like a zombie. They aren’t seeing or (better yet) LOOKING for anything.

This is one of the steps you need to work towards. When you lay down to practice having an OBE, spend a lot of time relaxing your eyes. When you find yourself straining to look at the 3D blackness, catch yourself. Ask, “Am I using my physical eyes to try and see behind my eyelids, or my astral eyes?”

Once you start perceiving and seeing images without your physical eyes trying to “look” for them, you have accomplished a big step.


Ok, here is a bombshell for most of you OBE students. We’ve all read and been told that in order to achieve an OBE, your must reach what has been termed the “mind awake/body asleep” stage, right?

Well, I don’t know about you, but I think this has really hindered a lot of people. Why? Because they spend all their time and energy trying to put their body asleep that they end up falling asleep themselves!

Have you ever really asked yourself, “What does it mean to have my ‘body asleep’ anyway?”

After all, your body really doesn’t SLEEP, does it? It simply isn’t active. The heart beats a little slower, the muscles are relaxed, but it certainly isn’t sleeping. It certainly isn’t having its own separate dreams, right?

“But Jeff, I think they say your body is asleep because you can’t feel it. You won’t be able to sense it so therefore, it’s asleep.”

Ah HA! That’s where people go wrong. The reason why you can’t feel your body is NOT because of your body, but because of your MIND. You must condition your MIND to have an OBE.

I believe 95% of you out there who have trouble inducing an OBE fall into this trap. You spend all of your time focusing on preparing the PHYSICAL BODY for an OBE (which doesn’t get to experience it), and less time on preparing your MIND for an OBE (which does get to experience it).

That’s like washing your brand new car for your vacation to Disneyland, and then you take the train there instead.

Instead, when you lay down, get comfortable. Make sure you’re relaxed (paying attention to relax your eyes). Once you relax your eyes, spend ALL of your time working on the MENTAL side of things.

Focus on the blackness behind your eyelids (with non-physical eye muscles). As your MIND relaxes, the blackness with begin to take on more depth and three-dimensional qualities.

As your MIND continues to relax, these black three dimensional qualities will begin to hold for longer and longer periods of time before fading away. They will also start to take on color.

THE KEY IS TO LOCK ONTO ONE OF THESE THINGS AND HOLD ONTO IT. If you can do that, it usually can suck you right into the astral. This is also known as PHASING, something Frank was really good at explaining.

While I can’t fill his shoes, I hope that this description can give you all a renewed hunger to achieve this state on your own.


When you close your eyes to go to sleep, by staring straight ahead behind your closed eyelids, you will find that your mind kind of “blanks out”, but you don’t really become tired. It’s kind of like staring at a wall or something. It keeps you occupied, but your mind really isn’t moving in a downward, relaxed state.

However, if you mentally explore this area, you will see that there is a current, or energy flow that you can lock onto which almost makes you tired, and brings you closer to sleep.

It sounds “out there” and I’m having difficulty explaining it, but its almost like using a key to unlock a door. If you simply push the key sideways onto the keyslot (aka just closing your eyes and staring straight ahead), this won’t accomplish your goal of unlocking the door (aka having a full blown OBE).

However, as you work on turning the key (aka Feeling around mentally for this ‘sleep trigger’ point), you will find that after a minute or so, the key will slip into the key slot (aka You found the mental state to allow your mind to automatically begin falling asleep).

Now you can ride that line further and further down by allowing your mind to automatically begin to relax, while you focus on the 3D blackness with your non-physical eye muscles.

Make sense? In other words, right now, wherever you are sitting, if you were to simply close your eyes at this moment, you would not go to sleep. However, if you leave them closed and mentally feel around for the right “sleep processing thoughts”, your MIND would begin to daydream, begin to wander, and otherwise begin to relax and drift off to sleep. THIS IS WHAT YOU WANT.

Now couple that with the other two points above (by using your non-physical eyes and not worrying about the body), and these are the three MAIN OBE characteristics which can make the difference between an ordinary night’s sleep and a wonderful, full-blown projection.

In closing, it is important to STAY POSITIVE. Mentally tell yourself how EASY this is….that even though you have no idea how to do this, reassure yourself that your MIND already knows what to do, and that you’re trusting your own MIND to teach you the steps to reproduce this at will.

With lots of practice and self-introspection, your mind will soon achieve this state of consciousness relatively quickly.

Hope that helps!

Definitely a great post with lots of insight.
The eyes really are your biggest challenge when it comes to conscious projections. No doubt about it. They’ve been my mortal enemy while doing all this practicing. LoL

It really is all about completely forgetting about your physical eyes as you won’t be using them and if you do end up using them, it’ll simply snap you back to waking reality. I remember Personalreality expounding upon the awesomeness of those 3D eye pictures and how viewing them can teach you to relax your eyes. I also agree with this.

And the whole “body asleep” saying… I really do wish Robert Monroe never came up with that. It’s probably the single most annoying problem that I’ve had for the last 10 years and has LITERALLY kept me from being successful along that time period. It should be “Mind Awake/Body Relaxed” NOT ASLEEP. As Jeff points out, you do not need to make your body fall asleep to consciously project.

Anyway, this is definitely a great read. If you can understand the points he’s trying to make here, then you’ll quickly be on your way to a successful projection. 🙂

Energy Work and Astral Projection

Personally speaking, I see no relation between these two activities.  I think people are fully developed enough energetically to begin to successfully astrally project and no further “development” is required in that area.

There are many examples out there of individuals being highly successful in the field of Astral Projection without doing any major, supportive energy work.  Probably the biggest name was Robert Monroe… I don’t believe he did anything of the sort, at least nothing as a major supportive activity for him to project.  Frank Kepple… the Astral Pulses own Phaser, he never felt it was required either.  He would speak from time to time about firing off his chakras while already in a phased state, but that’s pretty much the extent of it.  Then there’s William Buhlman, now granted, I haven’t read all of his work yet, but from what I have, I haven’t seen much indication of energy work either.  Then there’s Bedeekin, over on the Astral Viewers, I’m fairly certain he also doesn’t do any kind of energy work in order to project (feel free to correct me if I’m wrong ;)).  Then there’s probably the most important person I think can think of… myself.

I say I’m the most important person to myself not because I’m some narcissistic individual, but because I can really only trust my own experiences.   My own personal experiences are the most important thing in relation to astral projection that I have, just as yours are to you.  My personal experiences (along with all the corroborating evidence above) dictate that energy work simply isn’t required for Astral Projection practices.

So, if I don’t do energy work… and I can still project just fine, then I can only conclude that what other people are doing is a waste of time UNLESS they’re doing it for other purposes aside from Astral Projection.  Let me make that 100% clear, I’m saying this IN REGARDS to Astral Projection ONLY. My stance is that if your only goal is to do Astral Projection, as mine is, then you do not need to waste time doing any energy work what-so-ever.  You are more than developed enough energetically to get the job done.  I feel it’s best to put that time to use actually practicing the art.

Why is it that people seem to have this belief that energy work is required?  I think the only phenomenon going on here is a self-reinforcing belief.  A person thinks, for one reason or another, that they need to do energy work in order to succeed in Astral Projection, so they do it… and they find it DOES work which reinforces that belief in them.  While for me, I don’t think it’s needed, so I don’t do it… and I find THAT works, which then further reinforces that belief in me.

My current goal for Astral Projection is to continue what Robert Monroe and Frank Kepple started… and that’s to bring Astral Projection further into the mainstream and make it easy for people to learn.  This means stripping away all the mystical/occult layers and getting down to the very core of what’s required.  The very core requirement to be successful in Astral Projection is… *YOU*.

Post Focus! Focus 10 and 12!

I’ve been doing a bit of research lately on Focus 10 and Focus 12, and I came across yet another gem-of-a-post from our good buddy Frank. The poster is called “Difference between Focus 10 and Focus 12”:

Is there any difference between Focus 10 and Focus 12 ?
I would like to get the answer especially from tose who were/are successuful with the tapes from Monroe Institute.
Any different body sensations ?
Different visuals ?
Different type/quality of OOB ?

Thanks in advance

Franks reply:

Yes, a distinct difference.

Focus 10 is where you have retreated from the physical about 85 to 90%. You still have an awareness that somewhere “back there” is a physical body. You are aware that you have one, but aren’t really interested in it, and receiving next to no input from its physical senses. Your mind is awake and alert, but your focal point of consciousness is contained in what feels like a black 2-dimensional compartment somewhere about the centre of your head.

The primary difference between Focus 10 and Focus 12 is the 2D blackness becomes 3 dimensional. In other words, you get a sensation of an opening up of space, all around you. It’s like if you suddenly found yourself in an unfamiliar room, where you were standing in the middle, and there was no light whatsoever. You wouldn’t have any spatial awareness at all. All you’d see would be a 2-dimensional blackness before your eyes.

Now, say, someone very slowly began to turn on a light. There would come a point where you’d begin to see abstract shadows. Then, as the light got steadily brighter, the shadows would become more distinct and you’d begin to recognise basic shapes. This is what Focus 12 is like.

People perceive the state slightly differently, but the primary difference is the fact that the 2 dimensional blackness becomes 3 dimensional. Which gives you a distinct feeling of spatial awareness. You can’t really see much at this stage, just indistinct shadows, or maybe whirls of foggy sort-of darkness. But, as I say, you cannot miss the *distinct* feeling of spatial awareness that comes about.

From Focus 12, it’s like the light progressively gets brighter. Taking the room analogy a step further, as the light got slowly brighter, there would come a point where you’d recognise some object, previously perceived as an indistict shadow, as a chair (say). But you wouldn’t know the colour of the fabric or the pattern (if any). As the light got brighter still, you’d start making out that there might be a pattern on the fabric, but you still wouldn’t be able to see the colour. As the brightness increased, there would come a point where everything would come into view. This is Focus 21


I like his description of how the Focus 12 state slowly comes out of the Focus 10 state. “The light progressively gets brighter”… that’s really a great way to describe it… and then his description of the progression into Focus 21 using the chair is really good too.

All of these posts by Frank that I keep relaying here are part and parcel of the progress I’ve made over the past year. I wouldn’t know what I do now if it wasn’t for reading and understanding this stuff. 🙂

Oh! I want to add this post in a different thread from Clandestino, one of the other moderators on the Astral Pulse.

Hi there Nick,

this reminds me of another post a few weeks ago, I think Frank was talking about a guide giving him info on how important the focus 12 state is in the whole scheme of things.

It is the transition from focus 10 to 12 that is often hard to acheive. Once you are there though, the whole thing should unravel towards focus 22 and “out of body” experiences.

One common technique is focussing on something in your field of view…e.g. a dot of light, or a slightly different coloured area in the blackness around you. If you are in focus 12, you may find that the dot of light you were focussing on takes shape, and grows into an astral scene.

However, if you are in focus 10 and you focus on something behind your eyelids….not a lot is likely to happen !

“how do you get to focus 12?” i hear you ask ? I don’t know yet, it just happens sometimes. I would compare my experiences to a blind man walking down the street and then finding the edge of the pavement (or sidewalk if you’re that way inclined). All of a sudden, there it is !
After a while of walking down the same street, the blind man will find it easier to reach the kerb. Ask him how he did it though, and he might find it tricky to explain.

I’m sure there are a few folks out there who have more positive suggestions..?

ps – don’t infer from the above that i’m a regular at this sort of thing; i’ve managed it a few times only so far.

That’s very much exactly what goes on. Just find some point of “interest” in your current field of view… and focus on it. If you see that which you’re focusing on start to take shape… it doesn’t have to be any particular object, just a formless blob… then you’re most definitely in Focus 12. From there, it’s a simple matter of just doing what you’re currently doing… and ALLOW yourself to be taken into the 3D blackness of Focus 21.

The part where he talks about HOW you get to Focus 12… the point here is that it does “JUST HAPPEN”.   Just as you allow yourself to get swept into Focus 21… you must also allow yourself to be taken into Focus 12.

I’ve changed up my routine slightly lately, as I now use the Noticing exercise more than anything else these days.  I’ll sit there staring at a single point on the back of my eyelids.  As I begin to slowly feel my body relax I’ll start to move my physical eyes upwards REALLY slowly… moving them upwards as much as is comfortable as I don’t want to strain my eyes because that would become counter productive.  At the point when my eyes are pointing upwards as much as I can, I should be pretty relaxed… you can use a progressive relaxation technique here if you wish and as you go through each muscle, move your sight upwards slightly.

For knowing how MUCH to move your eyes… stare straight ahead while you’re awake, then move your gaze upwards as far as is comfortable.  With your eyes open this is easy, with your eyes closed, you’ll need to fixate on a portion of the blackness in front of you for your eyes to lock there.  So, now that you know your range of eye movement, just split it up into nice sections and move your eyes accordingly for each progressive muscle relaxed.

So now you’re relaxed and your eyes are comfortably looking upwards… just watch the scene infront of you and see what happens.  Wait for something to happen.   That’s all I do.  🙂

Post Focus! Frank

I was just doing a bit of research on Focus 12 and I wanted to share this wonderful gem of a post.  It’s Frank responding to someone asking a few questions.  The following is from someone named Ash, back in March 28th, 2003:

okay i’ve started to notice a strange phenomenon during my practice sessions. Sometimes I feel like I might be about to phase, or obe, or I’m viewing hypnagogic imagery, and then I will “snap back”. This snapping back is something like being in a daydream and then realizing where you are in real life. It’s sort of a sudden change in your focus of awareness. What I realized is that every time I snap back it actually feels like a very subtle, quick movement down and to the left. After it happens I feel totally awake, just looking at the backs of my eyelids, my awareness centered behind my eyes. But if I drift off again, my awareness moves up and to the right. Once it moves there, if I can regain control without snapping back, I get all sorts of astral and dream-like symptoms. I may get astral sight, or if not I can easily visualize and actually see whatever I visualize (ordinarily my visualization is the pits)

A couple of things are interesting about this.
1) it absolutely cannot be forced. I only realize it has happened after I snap back. During the process it all seems perfectly natural. I can’t reproduce it if I actually try to move my awareness.

2) I’m wondering if this has something to do with the “Brain Method”

3) When people access memories, or try to imagine, they either look up and to the right, or up and to the left. I can’t remember which is which, but one is to remember facts and one is to imagine something. I wonder if this awareness shift is related to accessing a different part of my brain.

Comments or similar experiences?

And here is Franks reply:

Comments or similar experiences? 

Yes, definitely, what you are describing IS the Phasing process!

Okay i’ve started to notice a strange phenomenon during my practice sessions. Sometimes I feel like I might be about to phase, or obe, or I’m viewing hypnagogic imagery, and then I will “snap back”. This snapping back is something like being in a daydream and then realizing where you are in real life. It’s sort of a sudden change in your focus of awareness.

Yes, that’s what you should be experiencing. It’s a distinct shift in your focus of awareness. And there is no mistaking it too. Like, you are not placed in a situation where you are left wondering did you make the shift or not.

The reason why you currently keep snapping-back, is due to your protective sense of awareness kicking in. It’s not something you can consciously control as the protection aspect operates on a very base level. But it does stop happening the more you practice. As your protective sense of awareness gets used to the shift, it becomes a case of, yawn, here we go again.

What I realized is that every time I snap back it actually feels like a very subtle, quick movement down and to the left. After it happens I feel totally awake, just looking at the backs of my eyelids, my awareness centered behind my eyes. But if I drift off again, my awareness moves up and to the right.

Again, this is how it should feel. Although I only mainly feel an upwards movement, with just a slight hint of a twist to the right.

Once it moves there, if I can regain control without snapping back, I get all sorts of astral and dream-like symptoms. I may get astral sight, or if not I can easily visualize and actually see whatever I visualize (ordinarily my visualization is the pits)

At first the whole situation can be a bit of a muddle. But after a while you will be able to distinctly recognise the different states of conscious-awareness as you phase through them smoothly.

The point at which your focus of attention is completely directed inwards, this is Focus 10. Following which you then start to see all kinds of abstract movement (or hypnagogic imagery as you term it) this is Focus 12.

If you are in the position where, like you say, you can visualise and actually SEE what you are visualising, this is Focus 22. Note: Focus 22 is basically the same state of consciousness as Lucid Dreaming: only with a very much greater sense of mental control.

Also, Focus 22 is the first proper realm of conscious awareness where thought equals direct action. So, as you have discovered, it is easy to visualise anything simply by thinking about seeing it, and it immediately materialises.

A couple of things are interesting about this.
1) it absolutely cannot be forced. I only realize it has happened after I snap back. During the process it all seems perfectly natural. I can’t reproduce it if I actually try to move my awareness.

That’s right, and this part of it I find ever so tricky to explain. You cannot will yourself to have the experience. It’s something you mentally allow yourself to become open to.

It’s like where I’ve tried to explain it before by saying that Astral Projection is not about finding the right projection technique, but more to do with developing the right kind of mental understanding. Techniques can be very useful but, ultimately, I believe their effectiveness stems from them acting as a kind of mental primer that serves to kick-start the natural process.

2) I’m wondering if this has something to do with the “Brain Method”

I don’t know what the Brain Method is exactly. Someone coined the term a while ago and it seems to have stuck. What I can say for sure, however, is that what you are describing are characteristics of the beginning stage of the Phasing process.

If you keep practicing you will find that you will be able to ultimately make a complete smooth transition from Physical to Astral.

3) When people access memories, or try to imagine, they either look up and to the right, or up and to the left. I can’t remember which is which, but one is to remember facts and one is to imagine something. I wonder if this awareness shift is related to accessing a different part of my brain.

This phenomenon can vary between different people. I’m not sure if they are linked in any way. But the awareness shift you feel is due to the shift in your focal point of awareness. As it shifts it gives a sensation of movement like you were travelling in a particular direction.

If you keep practicing to the point where you can reach the Astral fairly reliably and keep your thoughts/emotions in check; you will be able to contact other members of your Astral Family who I’m sure will only be too happy to explain and give demonstrations and/or exercises that will show you how the Mind is a separate entity from the physical-body and the physical brain.


Everything he explains here is just perfect to describe everything from the description of Focus 12 to the process of just ALLOWING yourself to Phase. So many insights in one post.

And I’m just figuring out today at how good the “noticing” exercise really is… and I think because of my experience at lunch time today, I might give it a better try again.

Our Other Bodies

Deus made a post on the Astral Viewers today asking an amazing question about what happens to our “metaphyiscal” bodies when we’re no longer using them. I’ll copy his post here:

So i had this idea swirling around my head for a while now. And i hope i won’t sound totally insane for telling it. I will try to explain it the best i can.

So, what i was thinking is actually what happens to our “metaphysical” body when we stop dreaming, LD, AP and the sort. We can have the impression of being sucked in our physical bodies, or that we just simply wake up. I find it a bit hard to believe since our realities (RTZ and the other phases of perception) are somehow interlaced and don’t have a pyramidal structure. And i don’t believe anymore that we are “getting out of the body” but we simply switch our perception.

In my opinion we simply experience a form of death. Our metaphysical bodies dissolve and we come back to our primary reality i.e. the physical. Our physical bodies will dissolve/die one day too and our conciousness will permanently be transfered into a metaphysical body. So, the thing we percieve as awakening could be just the result of death. Only when we wake up from a dream we actually realise that we were dreaming all along (except from lucid dreams). I believe we temporarily “project” into another body which is destined to perish once we switch focus. And that will happen to us once we die.
We simply chage focus and this life will become a long and strange projection. What seems real now, will become the dream later.

I don’t know, i just wanted to put it out in the open. I’d love to know what you guys think about it.

It got me thinking about a post I made on the Astral Pulse regarding a question very similar.

Think of it this way… *You* can’t die.
Each time you project Etherically, Astrally or whatever… you create a body to interact with the environment for that specific journey. You then focus your conscious awareness into that body and control it. <— SOUND FAMILIAR?

It’s exactly how you operate here on the physical.
A body was created for you to interact with this physical environment.
Since this is your primary focus, you still need this body even if you switch your focus of awareness.

When you create a body for the etheric or astral… after you’re done with that body, it’s destroyed.
The same happens here. Once you’re done with this physical body, it ceases to operate.

*IT* dies…
*YOU* do not.

Now that I’ve actually put a bit more thought into it, I don’t actually believe we have other “bodies” per se, what we experience when in the non-physical is just an expectation of a body.

What we “see” when we’re focused into other realities is just a projection of our self-image. This “image” is completely a “human” need, it makes sense to our conscious mind that if we’re “somewhere” we must have a “body” to be “in” (wow that was a lot of quotes LOL).  To expand on this, many people actually report that, as you spend more and more time ‘out’, you begin to slowly lose this “human-self-image” and begin to take on a more “consciousness” form… whatever that may be.

So, what happens to this “human-self-image” or “consciousness” form when you come back to your primary focus? Well… nothing.  Cause it never truly existed to begin with… yet, it also always exists too, because we exist across the entire consciousness continuum simultaneously.

I guess the question then becomes, does consciousness REQUIRE a vessel for which to work in a non-physical environment?
We know that we require a physical body to interact with this physical, Focus 1 oC reality… but I feel that’s because of the particular ‘physics’ programmed into this reality.  In the non-physical, these physics do not exist…

I guess one could say that shifting/phasing your focus between realities is a “form of death”.  One could also say that “dreaming”, too, is a form of death we experience each and every time we fall asleep. The only difference between that and what we humans call “death” is that your primary focus will have shifted to another reality permanently.

Lunchtime Meditation – Sept 17, 2010

I meditated a bit at lunchtime today during which I had an epiphany that I would like to share.

My goal in mind was my usual, I wanted to try to passively observe myself falling asleep so I can learn to catch it.
I had a thought earlier in the day, and I realized that I just wasn’t keeping my mind active enough while falling asleep… I don’t know why I never really thought about it before, but it just kind of hit me hard at that point and finally sunk in.

I began my meditation around 12:40pm… sitting at my desk, back straight in my chair, my feet flat on the floor and my arms resting naturally on my desk. After a few minutes, as I started to relax, I’d notice my upper body falling forward slightly. This is my sign that my body is relaxing enough and is falling asleep. Points would come when I’d realize that my head is almost touching my desk due to falling forward so much. I’d straighten up and refocus. This happened twice.

After the second time, I thought to myself, “Hmmm, I need to get my mind more active” and I decided to engage my mind more by starting a rundown. I chose a location nearby, down at the lakefront on Lake Ontario. It’s a cliff that overlooks the lake and beach. i visualized myself standing around up there watching the lake and the waves beat up against the sandy beach… and I still found myself drifting off a bit, it was much better than before in that I was able to catch it happening… so that’s definitely progress!

I decided to increase the activity a bit… and I got to thinking about Astral Pulse Island. I wanted to incorporate that into my rundown somehow… so I looked out at the water and decided to take a jaunt out there to see what I could/would find on the Lake!

I floated off the cliff, down to the beach below where I had a boat waiting for me. I jumped in an started paddling out into the open water. What happened next wasn’t part of my script, nor could I control it. I had gone out only a few seconds when the boat started tipping! It would tip left and right, then it went upside down, and righted itself… it just kept doing it. It felt like I was in a tumble dryer. I tried as hard as I could to control it, but once it started, it was very hard to stop it.

I decided to jump out of the boat and swim back to shore. This stopped the “tumble dryer” action from happening, thankfully. I floated back up to the initial cliff I was on before and just started walking instead. At which point, someone called me and I had to go do some “office stuff”. >_<

So that was a pretty random experience for me, and I’m hoping to be able to duplicate it the next time I meditate at home or practice my Phasing. I think I was pretty close to stepping into the rundown though, it started to have a real feeling to it. The tumbling was definitely real, I FELT it as if I was actually there.  This all ended around 25 minutes later.

Anyways, I just wanted to share that. 🙂

Phasing – Mental Rundown in Greater Detail

I was reading some of Franks old posts, looking for more information on his “Mental Rundown” method and I came across this post (post #43 on page 3) which gave a much more detailed recount of what a mental rundown is and how to craft your own to suit yourself.

I’ve had a number of PM’s asking similar questions about my comments regarding the mental-rundown given on the monster-thread as being a kind of primer which kick-starts the natural Phasing process.

The questions relate to how you integrate the two and kick-start the process; how can you tell when the process has been kick-started, and what to do then, etc. So I thought I’d post a reply here as it pertains to the thread title.

What is the purpose of creating a mental rundown?

The rundown acts as a kind of mental primer which gets you in the mood and increases your anticipation and expectation levels (very important). The rundown is not what causes you to Phase to the Astral. Phasing is a natural process which comes about under certain mental conditions which I expand on later in this essay. It also gives a person practice in focusing their attention away from the physical body into the expanse of their mind. In other words, what you are basically doing is imagining you are Phasing to the Astral.

What shall I try, and for how long, and how often?

The mental-rundown exercise should be performed preferably at least once each day at around the same time. It does not really matter what kind of mental rundown you use. Simply do whatever feels right for you. Someone posted fairly recently they tried to work out their own but gave up and used the example I gave with a few changes here and there. Others have created their own from scratch. Like I say, it truly does not matter.

You don’t actually need the Wave-1 CD either – you can formulate a mental rundown to some relaxing music, or create something using Brainwave Generator, or use whatever suits you. All I would advise is for you to create something of around 30 to 45 minutes duration which you are basically happy with then stick with it. In other words, don’t make it too short, or too long, and no chopping and changing.

Okay, I’ve formulated a mental rundown so what next?

Once you have learnt your mental rundown you are ready to use it as a mental primer. First you go through it. Then simply remove the earphones (if you are using a CD or tape) and try Phasing for real.

In cases where you perhaps haven’t got all that much time to spare, what I would suggest is you create a short version of your rundown. Say, around half the duration. Then, every other time, listen to the short version after which you try for real. Once you get more competent then perhaps switch to the short version each morning. Or maybe try a regime of rundown one day and try it for real with no rundown the next. Again, it truly is a case of whatever suits each individual.

What do you mean by “Phasing for real?”

When you come to Phase for-real, you switch from perceiving metal imagery you are imagining as part of your rundown, i.e. where you are imagining you are Phasing to the Astral, to perceiving images that are being created as part of the normal Phasing process. In other words, you are not imagining anything, you are doing it!

After going through my rundown I try it for real and nothing happens, why?

Chances are, your physical-body is distracting you by capturing your attention.

One of the benefits of formulating a mental-rundown to some kind of audio recording, is it takes your mind off both the physical body and the Physical environment. Plus, you know exactly what imagery to perceive as it is you who is imagining it. Without these two mental props it can feel like you are right back at square one.

Main things you should avoid when trying for-real

Thinking about day-to-day Physical-realm matters.

Any kind of thinking about anything to do with the Physical-realm tends to put a *big* spoke in the works. In other words, you can’t really hope to kick-start the Phasing process if one part of you is thinking of your dental appointment next day; or whether you’ll get that pay-rise you requested; or your birthday next week, etc., etc.

To deal with this what you should do, right at the start of your practice, is imagine a large box and place all your Physical-realm concerns in that box. Then lock it securely and walk away. When you finish your mental-rundown, unlock the box and take them out again. This method is suggested by Monroe on the Wave-1 CD. It may sound a bit weird but it works!

Any kind of internally verbalised thought (even if it is to do with Phasing!).

What I mean here, is you need to switch your inner-thinking so it is working exclusively in a visual way. Speed-reading aside, when we read to ourselves we have this inner voice which reads the words. This voice is probably what you are listening to within your own mind, right now as you read this.

Also, when we think to ourselves in an everyday sense we tend to use this same inner voice. Like, you may think, “Hmm, I’ve got 30 minutes before I meet my next client, so I’ll go and fill the car with petrol and pick-up something to eat on the way back.” Thinking that way uses that same inner-voice… which must be silent.

Then you quietly and passively observe what happens next.

When I say “quietly” I mean observe without having that inner-voice comment on anything you may perceive.

When I say “passively” I mean avoid reacting in any way to anything you may perceive.

Both the above I realise are a tad tricky to do. The good news is it all comes good with practice. At first, what will probably happen is you might perceive some kind of vague, fleeting image. At which point your inner-voice will chirp-up saying, “What was that?” or it might make some other comment. Perhaps it may comment in recognition that you are making progress.

Problem is, as it does so, it tends to send you a step back each time. Unfortunately, you can get caught in a self-defeating loop: where you take one step forward, your inner voice recognises you just took a step forward and comments to that effect, and the act of it doing so takes you one step back to where you were before.

Or you might perceive something and react to it. You might get startled, or fearful, or such like. What used to happen to me all the time (which was most frustrating) is I’d perceive some image in mind and, the moment I did so, my physical eyes would try and snatch a glance at whatever it was. This, of course, zapped me right back to C1 each time.

Okay, so you are in a state where you are quietly and passively observing. Don’t worry if nothing comes about. Simply curtail the session after your normal time and try again next session. Hopefully, what will soon happen is you will begin to perceive what may seem like fairly weird, totally abstract mental imagery.

Say you perceive some fleeting kind of something or other. Chances are you’ll wonder if what you think you may have perceived is what you should be starting to perceive. Then you’ll realise your inner voice has just made a comment. But the realisation of that was yet another comment. By which time you’ll probably be right back where you started.

The key is to simply roll along with this mental imagery, without your inner voice commenting on it, or having your physical body reacting to it. This is the beginning of Phasing. You don’t need any particular “technique” in order to project. You just need to set it going. Once the process gets underway everything happens more or less automatically.

If you can just quietly and passively observe the process you will end up within the Astral as awake and alert as you normally are while within the Physical.


Actually, that ENTIRE thread has a bunch of gems. I suggest reading all 6 pages of it. There are a few posts there by Bruce Moen as well.
