Morning Lucid Experience – Wednesday May 5th, 2012

I had a really fun, spontaneous experience this morning. It was a nice long one which gave me another chance to practice extending the experience.

The whole thing started off as a dream experience in the front hall of my parents house. Both my parents were there. I noticed “something odd” about the whole scenario, to which I thought about looking at my hands. I looked at them and they immediately began melting, “I’m dreaming!” I remember exclaiming. I remember my mother asking how I knew I was dreaming, I told her to look at her hands, which she did and they too began melting. At this point, I knew I was asleep and dreaming, but I didn’t quite have my full waking awareness, so it was a lucid awareness experience and not an astral awareness experience.

I’m starting to notice that I’m going the “hand melting” reality check more often these days. It seems to be a foolproof way to check, it hasn’t failed me yet.

After I became lucidly aware, I instinctively try to stabilize the experience by bringing my awareness more into the reality (not increasing my awareness, but making it more “there”). This time, and this is also something I’ve been doing more often, I started rubbing my hands together feeling the warmth generated.

Anyway, I remember going outside, but because I was only lucidly aware I didn’t set out on any particular goal and instead just flew around my neighbourhood a bit. I don’t remember any specific details after the first several minutes, only that the entire experience felt roughly 15 minutes in duration.

Throughout that time I remember extending the experience one other time with the rubbing hands technique. Then, I abruptly woke up, with very little warning.

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